Thursday, 26 February 2015

Best Belly Slimming Detox Juice

Losing belly fat might seem difficult, but once you got the right combination, belly slimming can quickly become your new success everyone is talking about.
Red color fruits are amazing when it comes to losing weight and detoxification of the body. They are rich source of antioxidants necessary for neutralization of free radicals responsible for the development of various diseases.
High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. Apart from being great liver cleanser, grapefruit is also an effective fat-burning ingredient. Grapefruits have so many beneficial aspects such as preventing you from overeating by keeping you satisfied and regulating your blood sugar, cleansing the body from toxins, accelerating fat metabolism, reducing inflammation and prevention of various cancer types.
Pomegranate juice is another ingredient highly recommended if you aim at belly slimming and eliminating toxins accumulated within your cells. There has been a research conducted by the Leicester University in United Kingdom, measuring the the effect of pomegranate juice on oxidation process of DNA. Oxidative DNA damage is an inevitable consequence of cellular metabolism, with a propensity for increased levels following toxic insult. Pomegranate juice slows the oxidative process, helps your body release free radicals and successfully reduces fat around your waist.
If you want to offer full detox of your body and at the same time lose and maintain healthy weight, then don’t hesitate to introduce apples to your daily menu. They are loaded with antioxidants crucial for proper metabolism and cleansing of the body.
Introduction of plant-based diet and clean eating will help your body fight diseases and promote good health. This particular juice combination is excellent solution for building stronger immunity and prevention of many diseases,such as heart disease, prevention of blood clots and improvement of blood circulation.
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 apple
  • 1/3 cup water
Juice the ingredients and consume the juice immediately.

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