Tuesday 9 December 2014

Chinese Herbs, Rebuild with the Major Tonic Herbs

Chinese herbs are super tonic roots, barks, leaves, berries and mushrooms that are used to "tone", through their adaptogenic nature, the major systems of the body. They help to encourage resistance to trauma, anxiety and fatigue by allowing the body to naturally regulate itself, normalizing over-activity or under-activity of the organs and glands.
These herbs are not used to treat illness, but rather to build and strengthen our immunity so we are less susceptible to getting sick.  Tonic herbs for that reason should be taken when one is healthy and free of disease.
Chinese herbs are super tonic
Specifically, the 52 major tonic herbs are a branch of Chinese herbalism used to rebuild, renew, and rejuvenate life-force in vital organ systems of the body.  They can be considered "foods" and are designed to be taken over a long period of time, becoming part of one's daily regime and lifestyle.
Traditional Chinese Medicine uses this sophisticated system of herbalism and special class of elite herbs that has been successfully verified and tested over thousands of years as a way to build and maintain supreme levels of health. 
They are known as "longevity herbs" with many historical references in Chinese folklore dating back to 168 BC. 
Chinese tonic herbs have the reputation, when taken on a regular basis, to help extend one's lifespan, in addition to sustaining a higher "quality" of life while living on this earthly plane.
These herbs have been studied and practiced by Chinese Taoists to bring into balance the "Three Treasures":
1) Jing
2) Chi
3) Shen
"They are used to fortify the body-mind, to strengthen the life functions, to encourage natural harmony, to enhance one's adaptability, and as a result of all this, to generate what the Chinese call radiant health." Ron Teeguarden

Selecting Your Tonic Herbs

Out of the total 52 major tonic herbs, there are a select number that are our favorite top super herbs for herbal tea formulations.
These tonics will definitely "take your health to the next level", if you are ready for it.
They are building herbs so, like we mentioned, it is important that the body is clear of major disease or sickness.
"It is a strict rule of Chinese tonic herbalism that the tonic herbs are not to be used when acutely ill, even if the acute illness is just a common cold.  Correct any acute ailments before starting to use the tonics, and suspend their use if and when you catch a cold or other acute illness."  Ron Teeguarden
It is always good to do a juice fast before beginning a tonic herb program. This way you can start fresh with a clean and healthy system that can adequately absorb the deep nourishment these herbs provide.
(See our herbal tea preparation guide for tips on how to extract the most out of your herbs!)
Sometimes the art of blending Chinese herbs can be a little overwhelming, but we recommend you keep it simple. The idea is that you are using the best of the best, the top herbs used by the longevity masters! These herbs, being tonics, are very safe to use on a daily basis.
It is important to use both logic and intuition when selecting your tonics. Some herbs will resonate with you more than others... those are the Chinese herbs to pay special attention to. 
The general rule, however, is that if you have any negative side effects discontinue use, adjust the formula or seek the advise of a qualified herbalist.

 List of Top Chinese Herbs

We already discussed fo-ti (ho sho wu), goji berries and reishi mushroom on our top 10 superfoods list, but here are some of our other favorites to consider.

1) Schizandra Berries

Schizandra berries, or Wu Wei Zi, (Schizandra chinensis) are one of the most popular sexual tonics known in TCM, rejuvenating the kidneys and increasing fluids to the reproductive systems and sex glands.  Drinking the tea for periods of time is said to lubricate the area just under the epidermis layer providing for soft, supple skin.  Schizandra (also spelled schisandra) is a blood purifier that also enhances eyesight and brain function.  It is known to be one of the only Chinese herbs to effectively enter all 12 meridians, which is rare among the major tonics.

2) Astragalus Root

Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) tea, tincture or extracts work on building "Chi" in the body and is revered as one of the most potent energizing tonics available next to ginseng.  The root, also called Huang Chi (Qi), is known for its immune system enhancing attributes, containing important polysaccharides that promote increased immune response and act as a natural stimulant for the activation of white blood cells in the body. 
A rare form of astragalus is found to contain a gene that helps lengthen telomeres. It is available in only concentrated amounts in a longevity supplement called TA 65.

2) Ginseng

Ginseng (Panax ginseng), or also called Ren Shen, is known around the world as the "king of herbs." The root has energy enhancing effects as a natural herbal stimulant and is the #1 Chinese herb known throughout the world for it's restorative and strength building components.  It is often used in combination with astragalus root in prepared herbal extracts.  There are a variety of ginseng roots available, all with slightly different properties. Some are more heating or cooling to the body.  The photo to the left is Korean ginseng root.

4) Asparagus Root

Asparagus root, or Tien Men Tong, (Asparagus lucidus) works with the spleen, kidney and heart meridians.  Viewed as a "Shen tonic" in TCM, it is specifically calming to the heart and has been used as a natural antidepressant because of its uplifting nature.  It is an overall energizer for the lungs as well as kidney yin tonic.  It is particularly nourishing to women, used to increase fertility and sex drive.  Asparagus lucidus is closely related to the Ayurvedic herb, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), and is often used interchangeably.

5) Rhiodiola Root

Rhodiola (Rhodiola Rosea) has been grown in areas of Tibet and Russia for thousands of years and is considered a sacred herb among Asian and Russian peoples.  It can be used to enhance muscular strength, increase mental focus and improve physical endurance.  The root, also called Hong Jing Tian, has been praised, right up there with ginseng, for it's powerful strength building qualities.  It is extremely helpful for cardiovascular and overall heart health.  Rhodiola is a great tonic herb for anyone undergoing intense stress or physical exertion.
"Almost every person who uses the Chinese tonic herbs for any extended period of time will experience benefits. In some cases the benefits may be almost instantaneous and profound, while for others the influence may be subtle at first, with cumulative effects developing over time." Ron Teeguarden

6) Chinese Licorice Root

Chinese licorice root (Glycyrrhizae uralensis) is a deliciously sweet and unctuous tonic that is known as a "harmonizing" or "supporting herb" when used in herbal tea formulations.  This is due to it's effectiveness at enhancing the main properties of other herbs and is therefore a common ingredient in many Chinese patent formulas.  Licorice (Kan Tsao) is also known for its detoxifying effects that help to eliminate toxins from the body.  These cleansing attributes are said to "allow for all energies to flow more smoothly."

7) Red Jujube Dates

Jujube dates (Zizyphus jujube), or also called "red dates", are another great "harmonizing" fruit, similar to licorice root, that ties together other tonics in the recipe.   Jujube's are especially great when used with other yang herbs to neutralize their fiery nature.  They have a sweet flavor and are known to dry up excess mucus, yet moisten tissues if needed.  They are said to "clear the 5 openings" which include the eyes, ears, nose, throat and sinuses.  Also called Ta Tsao, they are specific in Traditional Chinese Medicine for toning and purifying the stomach, the body's center and earth element.

8) Dong Quai

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is a super potent blood tonic for both men and women.  It has been praised as the "woman's ginseng" because of it's reviving effects on the reproductive system, building blood and normalizing the entire blood cell structure.  It is used to promote menstrual stability in women, decrease PMS and is also recommended for those with anemia to revitalize blood balance.  Dong quai (Dang Gui or Tang Kuei) is good for men as well, to help to build muscle by increasing blood flow to the tissues.

9) Codonopsis Root

Codonopsis root, or also called codonopsitis, (Codonopsitis lanceolate) is considered the "poor man's ginseng."  It is more cooling than some varieties of ginseng and can be used as a mild energy tonic.  It moistens and nourishes the tissues and organs where needed, providing greater balance to the major metabolic systems.  Codonopsis (Tang Shen) detoxifies and stimulates the bloodstream, clearing out excess and helping one to achieve a beautiful complexion.  It is also another wonderful tonic root for those who are severely depleted.

10) Fo-ti Root (He Sho Wu)

Fo-ti root (Polygonum multiflorum), or also called Ho (He) Sho Wu, is a famous tonic adaptogen that modulates the hormone system and tonifies the kidneys.  It is #1 “Jing” herb/root, one of the 3 treasures in TCM considered to be the "root of our vitality." It provides deep nourishment, via Jing essence, to the body, especially working through the kidney and liver systems.  It is best to use "prepared" fo-ti root for greater medicinal benefits.

11) Rehmannia

Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa), or also called Ti Huang, is a thick dark root that works specifically as a blood and kidney yin tonic.  Also called, Ti Huang, it is said to strengthen tendons, bones and marrow in addition to supplying tonic effects to the ears and eyes. You can purchase steamed or raw rehmannia root.  We prefer the steamed variety that offers greater value for nourishing "yin" and kidney health.

12) Gynostemma Leaf

Gynostemma, or Jiaogulan, (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) is a popular, highly valued, Asian herb that is a double direction tonic and broad spectrum adaptogen.  The infused leaves or powdered extract helps to bring balance to the central nervous system under a wide range of stressful situations.  The tea can be calming or stimulating depending on the unique circumstances of the individual.  Regular consumption of gynostemma leaf is highly recommended for anyone with depression or anxiety.

Chinese Herbal Teas

The Power of Adaptogens

Adaptogens are herbs that help the body to "adapt" to stress, fatigue, anxiety, and traumas from the external environmental influences or internal imbalance.
All of these top Chinese herbs are adaptogens and, similar to some of the Ayurvedic herbs, they have the ability to nourish depletion and "protect" us against multiple stress factors, whether they are physical, mental or chemical in nature.
These tonics can also be combined with nutritive herbs and cleansing herb infusions to increase nutrient content and cleansing actions.
Most all Chinese herbs are perennials.  That means they come up year after year.   This is, in part, the reason for their strength and adaptogenic attributes. They help us to ground and move from a place of strength, calmness and unwavering confidence!
In the system of Ayurveda there are other super tonics referred to as the "rasayanas", also renowned for their positive influence on overall health and vitality.
For thousands of years East Indian Ayurvedic medicine has also used these adaptogens in herbal preparations to help revitalize and nourish proper balance of the three doshas or body types.  (See Ayurvedic tonics list here.)

Buying Major Tonic Herbs

We purchase all of our tonics from these online suppliers:
Jing Herbs - is a top notch company selling mostly powdered extracts and taylor made formulations for different systems and health issues.  The powders can simply be added to tea, soups or hot water.
Dragon Herbs - Ron Teeguardens's company is the best in the business as far as tonic herb formulas.  They are of a superior quality using heat extracted powders that are convenient and ready to use.
Mountain Rose Herbs - are with out a doubt one of the best sources of dried organic herbs and roots.  They have most of the Chinese tonics in bulk by the ounce/pound.
Four Seasons - a small company that sells very unique varieties of most all whole dried major tonic herbs by the ounce or pound. 
China town markets often have an abundant array of these Chinese herbs.  They are usually super affordable and the quality is still quite good, relatively speaking. 
Here is a translation guide of each herb in Chinese English to help you out. They are not usually called by their "Western" names in these markets, so you would be well advised to take this list with you. This way you know what is what.

Chinese Herbal Tea And Herb Translations:

  • Ginseng - Ren Shen
  • Asparagus Root - Tien Men Tong
  • Schizandra Berry - Wu Wei Zi
  • Dong Quai - Dang Gui, Tang Kuei
  • Licorice Root - Kan Tsao
  • Rhodiola - Hong Jing Tian
  • Astragalus - Huang Chi (Qi)
  • Jujubee Dates - Ta Tsao
  • Codonopsis - Tang Shen
  • Reishi - Ling Zhi
  • Gynostemma - Jiaogulan
  • Astragalus - Huang Qi
  • Lycium fruit (Goji berries) - Gou Qi Zi
  • Coriolus - Yun Zhi
  • Maitake - Lian Hua Gu
  • Cordyceps - Dong Chong Xia Cao
  • Fo-ti - He Shou Wu
  • Rehmannia - Ti Huang

One of the Best Chinese Herbal Tea Books

Chinese Tonic Herbs is one of the first books published here in the West discussing the value of these Chinese herbs. The author, Ron Teeguarden, offers a unique, in depth approach with his years and practice as a leading expert on the subject of Chinese Herbalism. He writes from a great personal understanding of each of the herbs, discussing the 2 main classes of Major Tonics and Minor Tonics.
His descriptions are wonderfully poetic blending both science and his spiritual connections from years of work with these Chinese herbal medicines. He also discusses the basic elements to Traditional Chinese Medicine and focal points involved in choosing and making tonic herb formulations.
First published in the mid 80's, it is still one of the top Chinese Tonic Herbals out there!

1 comment:

  1. Drink this before breakfast burns 1lb a day?

    A maverick Japanese doctor recently leaked the secret ingredients of an ancient Japanese Tonic that targets the root cause of deep belly fat and activates a powerful little-known fat-burning hormone inside you…that MELTS away all your stubborn body fat.

    => Discover the “Done for You” Japanese Tonic to Melt 3 Pounds Every 3.5 Days

    Firefighter Mike Banner’s 45-year-old sister, Susan, lost 54 pounds in only 7 weeks with no exercise due to osteoarthritis in her damaged knee.

    Make sure to drink this tasty potent Japanese Tonic before 10AM to melt twice as much fat as 1 hour on a joint-destroying treadmill.

    In fact, some folks are losing up to 33.5 lbs of fat in just 30 days by simply drinking this tonic daily before 10am.

    Just have a quick cup before 10am to dissolve 3 pounds

