Friday, 21 November 2014

Top 10 Superfoods, Some of the Best Foods to Add to Your Diet

The following top 10 superfoods are some of the main foods we personally consume on a regular basis.  If you are looking for ways to naturally enhance energy levels that are deeply nourishing, muscle building and immune supporting, this is where we would begin.

These are foods, herbs and algae's that can give you a starting ground for increasing your daily nutrient intake immediately. 
top-10-superfoods-list Most on this superfoods list can be conveniently blended into drinks and smoothies for quick and easy assimilation and energizing effects.
For many people these top superfoods contain valuable ingredients for health that we commonly lack in the average diet with specific constituents that are simply not available or as concentrated in other everyday foods.

They are particularly high in polysaccharides, antioxidants as well as chlorophyll, mineral content and other unique components. 
In addition, some are adaptogens that help to build deep immune health and vital organ strength, while others are cleansing to the blood, remineralizing to the cells, strengthening to the bones and help to protect against harmful free radicals. 
We are now living in an age of abundance where we have access to and can share top superfoods from around the world.  It is a time where technology, computers and communications systems are helping to spread information like never before in human history. 
This has created a beautiful blending of cultures merging together as one global community sharing long revered herbs, berries, plants and protein sources that have been traditionally used for centuries.
The top 10 superfoods offered on our list are in part a result of this global integration.  They can be a great place to start improving overall health, but there are many other superfoods listed on the pages of this website that may be more specific for you and your unique constitution and health conditions.
Find out more about each of these top 10 superfoods on the pages of this website and discover which ones might be particularly appropriate for you and your current health goals.

The Top 10 Superfoods List

1) Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom teas and extracts contain a high level of polysaccharides and B-Glucans.  These compounds "educate" the body, delivering powerful immune responses that increase the production of T-cells, B-cells, and NK cell activity.
Documented in the earliest pharmacopoeia texts in Asian culture thousands of years ago, it's high ranking was originally reserved for emperors who consumed it daily. Reishi is said to provide an "inner calm" and nerve rejuvenation, helping one to sleep well yet sustain high levels of energy throughout the day. 

2) Goji Berries

Goji berries are next on the top 10 superfoods list for their anti-aging effects and trademark as one of the only foods scientifically proven to promote levels of Human Growth Hormone in the body.
They have an outstanding amount of polysaccharides as well as a full range of antioxidants which help build the immune system.

3) Fo-ti Root Tea or Extract

Fo-ti root is an energy tonic adaptogen renowned in China as a"longevity herb." Also called ho sho wu or he shou wu, it contains a substance similar to resveratrol, which is reputed to lengthen lifespan.
It is #1 “Jing” herb, one of the 3 treasures in TCM considered to be the "root of our vitality." It provides deep nourishment, via this Jing essence, especially working through the kidney and liver systems. It is excellent for anyone with adrenal fatigue and exhaustion.

4) Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is a super rich source of polysaccharides and an excellent alkaline food for many systems of the body, boosting immunity, purifying the liver and aiding digestion. 
Excellent for colon health, it helps to alleviate and heal the effects of colitis, candida, arthritis, ulcers, inflammation and acidic conditions of all kinds.  Aloe balances pH levels and assists in restoring inner body ecology.

5) Maca Root Powder

Maca root has been a traditional food of the Peruvian peoples for over 2,000 years.  The powder from maca root can be used as an energy enhancing tonic that builds strength and endurance for physical activity. 
Maca contains powerful hormonal precursors and sterols that help to balance mood and uplift the energy. It works as an endocrine modulator to provide optimal nutrition for increasing sexual libido and normalizing hormonal activity.

6) Kelp Seaweed

Kelp is an excellent source of minerals that can deeply nourish all the glands and organs.  Kelp is used in many cultures all over the world.  It can be used as a powder, added to foods, or taken as a supplement.
It is also one of the most bio-available sources of iodine, helpful for those with an under active thyroid.  Iodine is essential for thyroid balance and important to have in the body, so you don't take on radioactive iodine that may be present in the environment.

7) Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds on the planet, with a wide spectrum of health benefits coming from their concentrated source of essential fats, complete proteins, enzymes and other nutrients.
Hemp seed is a highly digestible complete protein source and one of the top 10 superfoods of choice for muscle growth and repair.  The seeds contain all amino acids (including the 9 essential), have the good Omega-3 fats in higher proportions and the uncommon gamma linolenic acid.

8) Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is wildcrafted by bee populations all over the world.  The little golden nuggets that result are an extreme source of super nourishment and protein, containing all required nutrients and over 5,000 enzymes. 
Bee pollen has been known since biblical times for its healing properties.  It has been found in Chinese and Egyptian texts, which document its rejuvenating effects on the body.

9) Camu Camu Berry Powder

Camu camu berry is a tropical fruit from the Amazon and a powerful, unmatched form of naturally occurring Vitamin C.  In fact, camu camu IS the most concentrated supply of Vit C of any natural plant based source. 
This incredibly potent berry is on the top superfoods list as one of the best superfoods for restoring and maintaining the eye health.  It is also a powerful immune system booster that heightens brain performance and shields against “brain fog.”  In addition, it also helps reduce and eliminate the build up of plaque on the brain, a condition associated with Alzheimer's. 

10) Micro-Algaes

High among the top 10 superfoods, these green food algae varieties are important nutrient dense, protein-rich food sources and chlorophyll detoxifiers.


Spirulina's synthesis of sunlight converts concentrated amounts of protein more efficiently than any other living food. Spirulina powder offers a total protein content of 65%, the highest in all the plant kingdom!

Blue Green Algae

Blue green algae is chiefly growing in the wild spring fed waters of the Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Blue green algae has the widest spectrum of phyto-nutrients of any of the algaes and is the perfect wild food fortifying essential life elements.

Chlorella Algae

Chlorella is a natural, green, superfood based detoxifier! It contains high levels of protein with an "intelligence" that bonds with heavy metals and chemical toxins, totally eliminating them from the body.

Marine Phytoplankton

Marine phytoplankton is harvested in the arctic ocean.  Containing highly concentrated amounts of chlorophyll and ocean based minerals, marine phytoplankton provides vital life energy at the DNA/Mitochondria level and also penetrates the blood/brain barrier, which feeds the higher master glands located deep in the brain, stimulating mental clarity.
Find out more about each of these top 10 superfoods in the links provided on the superfoods list above and discover which ones might be particularly appropriate for you and your current health goals.

Growing Your Own Top 10 Superfoods

We always promote growing your own superfoods whenever possible.  Many of these on our superfoods list can additionally be garden grown in moderate climate zones and can be integrated into natural permaculture landscapes and design.
NOTE: When purchasing superfoods it is often best to buy them in bulk quantities. Not only can you save money, but you can start incorporating them into your diet on a larger scale.  When you have one pound jars hanging out in your pantry, you will find it easier to make them part of your daily regimen.

What Is Zeolite and How Can It Help the Detoxification Process?

What is zeolite exactly?  Zeolites are naturally occurring clay-like compounds that come from volcanic earth deposits produced from the interaction between ash and volcanic rock with underground water. Their porous nature has been crystallized and developed over a long period of time in lake and marine basins. 

There are over forty different types of zeolite, which act as filtering agents and molecular sieves useful for removing various pollutants and heavy metals in the atmosphere, earth and water.
Zeolite can be collected or mined and used as fine powders for a number of industrial applications such as water filtration, nuclear waste removal and toxic soil clean up.
Zeolite is likewise helpful for humans when ingested and helps to detoxify the body of harmful toxins like mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, plastic residues in addition to radioactive isotopes like plutonium and uranium.  The type of zeolite used specifically as a dietary super supplement is called "clinoptilolite" zeolite and can be taken as a powder or as a liquid solution.

What is Zeolite's History?

A Swedish mineralogist named Freiherr Cronstedt officially discovered zeolites in scientific terms in 1756.  However, powdered zeolite has been used by people throughout history in all parts of the world where these volcanic deposits can be found.  Humans most likely received the idea when watching wildlife that were naturally attracted to occasional consumption of the mineral substance
Here in the Western U.S., many health advocates started using a product called Natural Cellular Defense, which was developed by the company Waiora in 2004.  Soon after that time it became an extremely popular detoxification supplement in the California health community and was for many years the only form of dietary zeolite available.  Since then, many other brands have established their own patented version of clinoptilolite zeolite, either as a powder or as an activated liquid concentrate. 

Using Clinoptilolite Zeolite for Detox Maintenance

Pure clinoptilolite mineral concentrate is proven to be a deeply purifying dietary adjunct for periodic bi-yearly cleansing or juice fasting protocols.  It is notably specific for removing heavy metals from the body, but is also beneficial for eliminating environment pollutants that we all take in on some level. 
Even though it is virtually impossible to escape all the toxins currently present in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink, it is possible to do what we can to protect ourselves by facilitating the body's detoxification process.  Taking zeolite is an easy convenient way to do this and doesn't necessarily require major dietary changes to achieve successful results.
Eating forms of "earth", like clays, charcoal and zeolite minerals, is an ancient practice and some would argue should be a periodic component to one's diet once or twice a year.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

ngredients for the homemade stretch mark cream

ngredients for the homemade stretch mark cream
The lavender and lemon essential oils in the following home remedy for stretch marks have excellent healing powers on the skin. They help to reduce the redness of stretch marks and optimize the skins natural regenerative powers.
Ingredients you will need:
1/2 oz (15g) Beeswax
1/2 oz (15g) Cocoa butter
2 oz (50g) Coconut Oil
2 tablespoons (30ml) Evening Primrose Oil
1 teaspoons (5ml) Ylang Ylang essential oil
1/2 teaspoon (3ml) Lavender essential oil
1/2 teaspoon (2ml) Lemon essential oil
4 tablespoons (60ml) mineral water
Equipment you will need:
Heavy stainless steel saucepan
Wooden spoon
Dark or clear glass jars

How to make the homemade stretch mark cream
Over a low heat melt the beeswax, cocoa butter, coconut and evening primrose oils in a large, heavy based stainless steel saucepan.
With a spoon beat in the spring water until you have a smooth mixture.
Take the saucepan off the heat and stir it until it has cooled to body temperature (37 C).
Add the ylang ylang, lavender and lemon essential oils then mix thoroughly to make a smooth cream.
To stop the oil and water separating stir until the cream has completely cooled, then spoon into airtight jars. In order to ensure the essential oils are well preserved, clear jars need to be kept in a dark place
Massage the cream gently into your skin where your stretch marks are. Use this homemade stretch mark cream daily after either a bath or shower and your skin will feel softer after just a few days.

Natural cleansing is flushing built up toxins and waste out of the body

Natural cleansing is flushing built up toxins and waste out of the body and it plays a vital role in obtaining great health for your body. Regular detoxification is more than necessary as it does wonders for your body in terms of preventing common diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes etc.
5 Incredible Smoothies for Whole Body CleanseBeetroot, carrots, lemon, green leafy vegetables and ginger are among the best detoxifying agents. They help the body’s natural cleansing process and significantly improve the overall health condition. Combining them with the right ingredients help in cleansing liver, colon and kidneys.
Purge the excessive toxins that hold in the body and get rid of headaches, stomachaches, heartburn, constipation, poor sleep, joint and muscle pain. Detoxifying your entire body by using fresh organic ingredients in the best health insurance you can get.
You will feel the profound effects of cleansing on your body. It will be a real walking energy machine as the detox process will help it to restore vitality, boost energy, improve immunity and fight diseases.
Here are the best 5 smoothies for entire body cleanse. Feel free to choose your favorite one and equip yourself with the best possible natural defense that your body needs.

What Drink You Should Prepare When You Feel Tired ?

Do you feel tired most of the time? Do you feel as if you don’t have enough energy to do everyday activities? If you gave an affirmative answer, now is time to change your nutrition and raise your energy level.
What you should do first is reduce the intake of sugars as they just worsen the situation with tiredness.
Next step you should take is to increase the amount of healthy food in your diet, especially fruits and nuts, as they help a lot when you are physically and emotionally drained. Sunny colored fruits, fruits rich in fiber and vitamin C are highly recommended for those who feel exhausted or lack energy to keep them active throughout the day.
Although most people think that drinking coffee boosts energy, they are actually misguided. Recent studies reveal that caffeine slows down the process of converting food into energy.
Choose fresh ingredients and make either smoothie or salad so the body can fully absorb all the beneficial components.

5 Aerobic Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

A good nutritional plan is a must to reduce the storage of unhealthy fat in the body. A balanced diet of green leafy veggies, fruits, dairy and lean meat will help in achieving fit and stronger abs. Along with a health and balanced diet; aerobic exercises to reduce belly fat will help in melting off the excess fat and reveal a beautiful body.
Aerobics To Reduce Belly Fat
All you need to do is follow the below given aerobic exercises to reduce belly fat for a period of 20 minutes everyday.
1. Running:
Running is the most primal way to exercise the whole body. The core is stimulated throughout the duration of exercise due to the balancing act during the strike of each leg. This works out every part of the body! Tell me, have you ever seen a pot bellied runner? Bear in mind to gradually build up duration and intensity.
2. Swimming:
Water provides a natural resistance to the whole body while moving ahead or treading. Hence swimming is an excellent complete body workout. It is especially beneficial for overweight or old people, as there is no impact of joints with the ground like when running and walking. This exercise leads to increased rate of metabolism and the body continues to burn calories even while at rest.
3. Walking:
We all walk everyday but still we do not have a trim waistline. Why? It is because we tend not to spend more than 10 minutes while walking. It is easy on the joints and can be used as a preface to running. Walking can be quite enjoyable as you will get enough time to take delight in your surrounding nature while still on the move. This is the simplest of aerobic exercise to lose belly fat.
4. Cycling:
This website already boasts of a number of articles on the benefits of cycling. Apart from the benefits of commuting and saving precious fuel, it is an excellent fat burning exercise. Again, it is gentle on the joints and promotes a continued expenditure of calories.
5. Weight Training:
Hit the gym. It is as simple as that. Lifting weights and moving them in a controlled fashion not only helps in sculpting the body but also helps in increasing the metabolism. Weight training is the only type of aerobic exercise which promotes the highest rate of calorie burning even at rest. A word of caution: Build up stamina gradually under the guidance of a professional trainer
From all the beauty tricks we girls use daily, contouring is maybe the most important one. And the hardest, too. It’s not that easy to contour your face without looking like a clown or someone who needs the help of plastic surgery. And becuse we definitely don’t want you to become the laughing stock of everyone, we will give you some tips on how to contour properly.
First, don’t use bronzers to contour if your skin is too light. Instead, use products that are a shade darker or a shade lighter than your natural skin tone.
Apply dark color beneath your cheeks, on the line of your hair and the sides of your nose. Apply highlighter on your forehead, beneath your eyes and on the cheeks, on the bridge of your nose and on your chin.
Be sure to blend everything well to achieve a more natural look. Apply blush to finish to look and to add color to your face.