Saturday 15 November 2014

What Drink You Should Prepare When You Feel Tired ?

Do you feel tired most of the time? Do you feel as if you don’t have enough energy to do everyday activities? If you gave an affirmative answer, now is time to change your nutrition and raise your energy level.
What you should do first is reduce the intake of sugars as they just worsen the situation with tiredness.
Next step you should take is to increase the amount of healthy food in your diet, especially fruits and nuts, as they help a lot when you are physically and emotionally drained. Sunny colored fruits, fruits rich in fiber and vitamin C are highly recommended for those who feel exhausted or lack energy to keep them active throughout the day.
Although most people think that drinking coffee boosts energy, they are actually misguided. Recent studies reveal that caffeine slows down the process of converting food into energy.
Choose fresh ingredients and make either smoothie or salad so the body can fully absorb all the beneficial components.

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