Friday, 21 November 2014

What Is Zeolite and How Can It Help the Detoxification Process?

What is zeolite exactly?  Zeolites are naturally occurring clay-like compounds that come from volcanic earth deposits produced from the interaction between ash and volcanic rock with underground water. Their porous nature has been crystallized and developed over a long period of time in lake and marine basins. 

There are over forty different types of zeolite, which act as filtering agents and molecular sieves useful for removing various pollutants and heavy metals in the atmosphere, earth and water.
Zeolite can be collected or mined and used as fine powders for a number of industrial applications such as water filtration, nuclear waste removal and toxic soil clean up.
Zeolite is likewise helpful for humans when ingested and helps to detoxify the body of harmful toxins like mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, plastic residues in addition to radioactive isotopes like plutonium and uranium.  The type of zeolite used specifically as a dietary super supplement is called "clinoptilolite" zeolite and can be taken as a powder or as a liquid solution.

What is Zeolite's History?

A Swedish mineralogist named Freiherr Cronstedt officially discovered zeolites in scientific terms in 1756.  However, powdered zeolite has been used by people throughout history in all parts of the world where these volcanic deposits can be found.  Humans most likely received the idea when watching wildlife that were naturally attracted to occasional consumption of the mineral substance
Here in the Western U.S., many health advocates started using a product called Natural Cellular Defense, which was developed by the company Waiora in 2004.  Soon after that time it became an extremely popular detoxification supplement in the California health community and was for many years the only form of dietary zeolite available.  Since then, many other brands have established their own patented version of clinoptilolite zeolite, either as a powder or as an activated liquid concentrate. 

Using Clinoptilolite Zeolite for Detox Maintenance

Pure clinoptilolite mineral concentrate is proven to be a deeply purifying dietary adjunct for periodic bi-yearly cleansing or juice fasting protocols.  It is notably specific for removing heavy metals from the body, but is also beneficial for eliminating environment pollutants that we all take in on some level. 
Even though it is virtually impossible to escape all the toxins currently present in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink, it is possible to do what we can to protect ourselves by facilitating the body's detoxification process.  Taking zeolite is an easy convenient way to do this and doesn't necessarily require major dietary changes to achieve successful results.
Eating forms of "earth", like clays, charcoal and zeolite minerals, is an ancient practice and some would argue should be a periodic component to one's diet once or twice a year.

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