Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Argan Oil- Why Hollywood Stars Love So Much this Liquid Gold

What if you come in possession of the rarest essential oil in the world? You will probably feel like

you are in heaven knowing that you are among those who are about to experience the benefits of something so precious.
A perfect source of essential fatty acids such as omega 6 and omega 9,  and Vitamin E with twice the amount  the olive oil has, argan oil almost instantaneously heals skin, hair and nail bringing them into excellent healthy condition. Its composition abounds with remarkable compounds such as oleic, linoleic, palmitic and  stearic fatty acids. Moreover, carotenes in its composition have anti-aging benefits and restore already damaged skin cells.
Originating from Morocco, Argan Oil is gaining its popularity and it is considered as a new trend for overall beauty and health. More and more of the famous celebrities are using it and enjoying its marvelous health benefits. Argan Oil-Why Hollywood Stars Love so much this liquid gold
If you wonder what is the link between Gisele Bündchen, Eva Mendes, Salma Hayek, Taylor Swift, Charlize Theron, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Selena Gomez and Kylie Minogue you will most probably be amazed to find out that what links all these celebrities is the use of argan oil. Argan oil takes special place in their daily beauty treatment and ceratinly has a tremendous impact on the way they look.
All these celebrities  revealed on more than one occasion that Argan oil from Morocco is spectacular and that it is their total skin secret.
If you want to get the stunning look of the celebrities, don’t hesitate to start using argan oil. It will do magic for you.
Being richer than olive oil in Vitamin E and fully loaded with fatty acids, argan oil is marked as one of the most effective nature’s moisturizers.


 Healthy Irresistible Nails

Due to vitamin E and squalene, argan oil strengthens nails naturally, improves circulation and nerve performance in order to make nails look healthy and attractive.

 Silky Skin Promoter

Using argan oil will definitely give your body silky touch and young looking skin. It is beneficial for moisturizing skin and it enhances nourishment.
It diminishes fine lines and has profound  anti-wrinkles effects on the skin. It softens the skin and makes it rejuvenated.
Moreover, it significantly protects the skin from  the consequences of pollution, stress, harmful UV rays from the sun and smoking. It effectively combats free radical damage and restores cells.
If you regularly apply argan oil, your worst nightmares, acne and stretches , would remain forever in your past and will not torment you in the presence nor in the future. In addition, it is beneficial for eczema and psoriasis treatment.

Marvelous Hair Treatment

Super enriched with vitamin E, the Argan Oil will do wonders for your hair. Get the argan oil in hand and prepare for hair for radiant shine. Here are some of the super benefits of the liquid gold:    Argan-Oil-for-Skin
  • Promotes healthy hair growth
  • Prevents dry, itchy scalp
  • Enables easy manageability of long hair
  • Gives an amazing nourishment
  • Restores dry and damaged skin to healthy condition
  • Prevents the hair from getting oily and greasy so you don’t have the feeling of heavy and flat hair
Once again,  if you want to have a secret weapon for glowing hair and skin and to make people give you compliment, include argan oil in your treatment staring from today. What you get as a bonus is its healing properties for other medical conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and skin cancer.

Remarkable Juice To Prevent Wrinkles and Give You Young Look

Do you look yourself in a mirror and wish to stop time? You can’t stop time, but you can do everything in your power to prevent wrinkles from appearing too early. Including certain fresh ingredients in your diet on regular basis will significantly reduce fine lines on your face. So what is the secret combination for eternal youth?
Remarkable Juice To Prevent Wrinkles and Give You Young Look
Grapefruit  and lemon will make your skin hydrated and supple and they will give the elasticity of young skin. They are rich in vitamin C which has a profound effect on skin in terms of promoting the production of collagen which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and reducing the damage of the skin caused by free radicals.
They can also alleviate the inflammation of the skin. The lycopene found in grapefruit protects the skin from UV damage.
Beetroot will help you deter wrinkles and slow down the process of aging as well. The powerful antioxidants found in these  ingredients t will keep your skin young and healthy.   The beta carotene found in the beetroot can stimulate the skin’t natural defence against sun damage and photoaging. The silicon content is great for skin care, it promotes firmer and healthier skin.
Being the best detoxifier, beetroot should be your best age-defying friend.  It improves blood circulation and gives the best natural blush to your cheeks.
Combine these ingredients to make a juice, drink it early in the morning whenever you can and experience its anti-aging potential.
Let this juice do its magic and give your face the fresh look it deserves.
  • 2 beetroots, cut into chunks
  • 1 grapefruit
  • ½  lemon
  • 1/3 cup water
Combine the beetroots with the water in a juicer and juice them well to get an incredible juice. Add the squeezed grapefruit and lemon juice and stir everything well. There isn’t limit of how much to drink this juice, the more the better.

Magical Combination for Metabolism Boost, Weight Loss and Flat Stomach

If you are on a weight loss mission, then choosing the right ingredients is the most important step you should take if you want to look great and experience wellness.
Magical Ingredients for Metabolism Boost, Weight Loss and Fat LossWhat we suggest are super healthy ingredients which combined together create a magical combination that helps you speed up metabolism, eliminate extra pounds and get rid of excess belly fats.
Raspberries are among the best foods for weight loss and fat loss. Despite their mouth watering aroma, raspberries are loaded with antioxidants, rich in fiber and low in calories. A classic fiber study stated that for every gram of fiber we consume, we burn about seven calories, and research in Brazilian dieters found that over a period of 3 months, each addition gram of fiber resulted in an extra quarter pound of weight loss.  
They also have high water content which makes them ideal if you aim at losing pounds and melting stomach fat. They also fire metabolism, reduce sugar cravings, control your satiety (regulate feeling of hunger) and cut the intake of extra calories.
Coconut milk is rich in medium-chain fatty acids which speed up metabolism and contribute to healthy weight loss, prevent weight gain and maintain weight once you reduce it. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that participants who consumed meals containing medium-chain fatty acids lost twice more weight as compared to those who didn’t.
Ginger and flax seeds are great ingredients for promoting healthy weight loss. They aid digestion, increase metabolism, prevent constipation and soothe stomach pains.
Prepare this slimming drink, consume it regularly, enjoy its taste and after short time show your family and friends your new look. You will be more confident and satisfied with the way you look and will have enough reasons to celebrate your accomplished weight loss goals.
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tsp. ground flax seeds
  • 1 tbsp. grated ginger
Put all the listed ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Drink immediately.

Irresistible Smoothie to Help You Burn Belly Fat

Are you one of those having too much belly fat? If you are, we are here to help you burn belly fat fast and easy ! What we suggest is a drink recipe that consists of special and carefully selected ingredients that target belly fat.
Irresistible Smoothie to Help You Burn Belly FatAll the ingredients are high in fiber, low in calories and possess fat-burning potential which means they melt fats quickly especially those accumulated around the waist. Flat belly is a result of eating clean, so adopting healthier lifestyle and plant-based food is the key to successful fat loss. Improper diet combined with constant exposure to stress significantly increases the risk for too much belly fat. And keep in mind that belly fat is not just an appearance problem, it is also a great indicator of certain disease. Do something before it is too late.
Here are our suggestions for melting stomach fat that will help you obtain great health as well.
Despite being extra delicious, pineapple will make your fat loss journey easier. It abounds with the enzyme bromelain that melts fat and boosts energy at the same time. It is also an excellent choice if you want to achieve the anti-cellulite effect.
Lime and ginger fire metabolism, control blood sugar level, curb cravings and reduce belly fats. Cucumber and cilantro are high in water and they help the body flush out toxins. They also burn extra calories and reduce waistline.
Combine these fat-burning ingredients, prepare this amazing drink and melt belly fat fast and easy.
  • 1 cup pineapple chunks
  • 1 lime
  • 1/2  cucumber
  • a thumb of ginger
  • a bunch of cilantro or parsley
Just combine the ingredients and process well until the mixture gets smooth. Drink every time on empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast or 3-4 hours before going to bed.

What are Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods are foods that have gone through a fermentation process. This transformation provides a superior food, rich in friendly flora, lacobacilli and enzymes that are extremely beneficial to the health of the colon and the entire digestive tract.
This live unpasteurized food contains the "transformative power of microscopic bacteria" that helps to balance inner body ecology, digestive functions and vital organ health.  Fermenting food naturally preserves it with healthy living cultures and organisms that encourage life as oppose to spoil it.
In fact, the word "culture" comes from the Latin word meaning "to cultivate" or "till."  By fermenting or culturing food, we are promoting the proliferation of billions of life-giving micro-organisms that will later populate our gut and help us to break down the food we consume more efficiently.
"Humans have been fermenting longer than we've been writing words or cultivating soil." Sandor Katz
Since early times, traditions spanning the globe have been fermenting or culturing foods for nutrition, flavor enhancement and also as a way to preserve food when refrigeration was not possible.
Many of the fermented foods we list here are still consumed today and  adopted as main condiments, foods or beverages in the cultures where they first originated.

Benefits of Fermented Food

Cultured food, because of its high amount of enzymes, is the perfect compliment to any diet regime to increase digestive fire and improve the nutrient absorption of the foods we eat.
Whether you are consuming a high raw diet or a fast food diet, these fermented foods we are about to mention could dramatically change the course of your intestinal strength forever!
"Neither vitamins, minerals, or hormones can do any work - without enzymes." Dr. Edward Howell
Benefits of enzyme rich foods:
  • Increases digestibility of food we eat
  • Boosts our immune system
  • Increases alkalinity; neutralizing pH levels
  • Provides a healthy balance of friendly flora in the gut
  • Tones the colon and helps with elimination
  • Controls cravings for unhealthier foods
  • Eliminates toxins and undigested wastes in the body

Our Top 7 Fermented Foods List

Learn more about these favorite ferments and how to make your own cultured foods at home with quick, easy, recipes for:

1) Kombucha

Kombucha, called the "immortal health elixir", is a tangy sweet "mushroom tea" that dates back to the Chinese Qin Dynasty.
The fermentation process produces a slightly fizzy tea that many people today consume for its wonderful taste and nutritional benefits that include active enzymes, amino acids, probiotics and polyphenols.
You can usually purchase commercial kombucha drinks at any health food store, but there is nothing quite like making your own homemade kombucha recipe.

2) Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage fermented in its own juice with other vegetables and spices added for extra flavor and variety.
Over time, between 4-10 days (or much longer depending on how you like them), the veggies become sweeter, soft, slightly pickled, zesty and incredibly tasty.
Raw sauerkraut is great for re-establishing the balance of friendly flora in the gut and is an especially helpful food to consume for those with candida overgrowth
You can visit our basic sauerkraut recipes page for more on how to get started making your own at home or check out our Sauerkraut Recipes Ebook.

3) Tempeh

Originating over 2,000 years ago in Indonesia, tempeh is a fermented "bean cake" that can be made with a single bean variety or a mixed combination of beans and grains.
It is always best to eat cooked beans as fermented food.  This makes them easier to digest and you also absorb more of the protein content.
The white mycelium spore, Rhizopus oligosporus, forms the tempeh cake, which can be sliced, fried or steamed as an alternative to meat.
We always recommend the fresh variety rather than store bought brands that are exclusively made with soybean. Homemade tempeh has a rich taste, like gourmet mushrooms and is really incomparable to any commercial tempeh product. 
Making tempeh only takes 24 hours of culturing time and is a fairly simply process.  (See our homemade garbanzo bean tempeh recipe for more details.)

4) Kefir

Kefir, originating in the Caucasus mountain regions of Russia, is a tart yogurt-like fermented drink that contains friendly bacteria and yeasts that work together to provide natural probiotic-rich properties.
It can be made with raw dairy milk or our prefered method using a blend of coconut meat/juice and sometimes nut milk.
You can learn how to make your own homemade raw vegan version using our coconut kefir recipe.

5) Miso

Miso is a traditional Japanese food and a rich salty paste made from grains, beans and koji spores.
You can find miso paste in most any food store, but it is important to get a high quality product that has not been pasteurized to ensure the highest amount of health benefits.
Studies have shown that women who consume miso paste on a regular basis are less likely to get breast cancer.
For those of you inspired to make your own cultured miso using garbanzo bean, visit our homemade miso recipe and our page on how to decant it.

6) Seed Cheese

Seed cheese is a delicious tangy "cheese" usually made from sunflower seed, pumpkin seed or other seed/nut combinations.
The process of fermenting seed or nut based cheeses involves a culture starter or probiotic powder to initially infuse the soaked and blended seeds. 
This starter helps to break down the plant proteins into a pre-digested food that also contains healthy living micro-flora.
You can visit our seed cheese recipes page for more details on how to make them.  We also have a homemade Cheese Its cracker that uses a fermented nut cheese for that "Cheez Its" flavor many people enjoy.

7) Rejuvelac

Like the name implies, rejuvelac is
Rejuvelac is a slightly sour, lemony, fermented drink made from sprouted grain. Loaded with friendly flora and enzymes, it is a great way to inoculate the digestive tract.
It is a refreshing cultured drink that helps to improve digestion and increase regular bowel movements.
Like the name implies, rejuvelac is "rejuvenating" and, as a "super sprout drink", it provides a highly concentrated source of enzyme activity.
It is made from glutenous grains, usually wheat, so anyone sensitive to gluten should avoid consuming it.
For more fermented food recipes also check out the book:
Enjoy these fermented foods as zesty condiments, tangy beverages, rich flavorings and some of the most savory of foods all by themselves!
Visit our fermented food recipes page for a complete list of all our cultured recipes using easy, simple, step by step instructions for making your own at home.

Super Juicing for Health and Vitality

What is Super Juicing?

Super juicing, or also called juice feasting, is the practice of consuming or "feasting" on large quantities of juice from fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegetables over a period of time to cleanse and detox the body. 
This can either involve making straight green juice or concocting your own rainbow of juice blends, choosing from the plethora of tree ripened fruits and veggies.
The nutritious, colorful super liquid that results from pressing these whole juicy foods through a juicer can offer a tasty way to take a break from solid foods and facilitate the body to do what it does best - clean and heal itself!
Consuming only juice for a period of time frees up the digestive system.  This allows it to focus on cleansing actions that carry out toxins as well as remove any backup of waste material that can overload the colon and the liver. 
This is especially the case for longer periods of juice fasting, but even just a one day juice fast can work wonders, allowing the cells to do some internal house cleaning! 

Benefits of Juicing

Achieving Your Natural Body Weight

Many people experience the feeling of being completely satisfied drinking only living juice for many days in a row.  The reason for this is because the body is receiving a concentrated amount of liquid nutrients that give you a feeling of fullness.  In addition, you are being nutritionally satisfied with an abundance of vitamins and minerals.
This is why juicing for weight loss can be an effective and fast way to retain your "natural body weight" because, after an initial cleansing period, you feel full and nourished when you drink a quart or less of juice. 
Moreover, the juice fasting process helps to reset the taste buds so simple whole foods start to taste good again.  This helps to eliminate cravings for unhealthy foods and breaks the cycle of bad eating habits that can lead to weight gain issues.

Detoxification Process and Digestive Vacation

Raw fresh juice is pure, concentrated, living liquid food, minus the fiber content and offers a mini vacation for your digestive tract.
Juices give the digestive system a chance to rest, providing cleansing actions necessary to carry out unwanted pollutants that clog the body and affect nutrient absorption levels.
Many toxic residues can remain trapped in the body for years causing disease and numerous health problems.  Super juicing and fasting gives the body a chance to release these harmful poisons that may be affecting your energy levels and overall health in ways you may not realize.
We highly recommend juice fasting for anyone wanting to "push the reset button" to clear and purify the body of any toxic residue left behind from the:
  • leaching of plastic residues
  • heavy metal toxicity
  • pollutants in our atmosphere
  • pesticide and herbicide sprays
  • effects of prescription drugs or other medications
  • water contamination

Top Super Juicing Benefits

1) Alkalizes the Body - balances colon pH and enhances mental alertness.
2) Eliminates Toxins - through the process of diffusion, carries toxic waste out of the body.
3) Boosts Immune Reponse - through cleansing actions and powerful antioxidant-rich nutrients.
4) Energizing to Systemsuper charges the cells with high quality mineral-rich liquid.
5) Contains Structured Water - allows for increased hydration on a deep level.
6) Good for Weight Loss - reduces excess weight and the fat that stores toxic waste material.
7) Replenishes Enzyme Activity - enzymes from juices help to efficiently break down excess waste material trapped in the intestinal tract.
8) Good for Weight Gain - helps to cleanse the body and allows for greater nutrient and protein assimilation for building muscle mass.

How to Start Juicing

juicing for health
Gentle Juice Cleansing
Try some of our juice cleansing alternatives that offer different dietary combinations to go along with your daily juicing regime.
An easy way to begin is to start juicing your own raw, organic vegetables for the first meal/drink of the day.  Just by integrating fresh living juices into your daily regime, you will add potent nutrition and minerals that your body needs to cleanse and rebuild depleted cells.
After you get accustom to juicing, you might want to try a short or long juice fast to promote deeper cleansing of the colon and liver.  Depending on your unique situation, sometimes pure water fasting might be appropriate after a period of juice only fasting.

How to Make Your Juices

The process of juicing is achieved by pressing vegetables and fruits through a juicer. There are many types of juicers out there.
Some are fast and easy to use, juicing whole apples and carrots, while others press the juices slowly to extract more liquid and reduce the rate of oxidation.
Our personal favorite is the Green Star juicer and is the one we recommend for getting the most phyto-nutrients out of your juice.  It even juices wheatgrass and is especially great for juicing green leafy vegetables (hence the name).

Juicing Without a Juicer

If you don't happen to have a juicer, and don't want to buy one, there is another alternative using a blender and nut milk bag.  This involves blending your chopped raw veggies and fruits and pouring the mix through a bag or fine mesh strainer to filter out the fibrous material, so you end up with just juice.

Juicing Recipes

Juicing can not only be a fun and easy way to provide extra vitamins, minerals and enzymes, but there are many juice recipe combination's that also taste amazing!
Here are some basic juicing recipes to get you started making your own fresh, raw, organic rainbow of juice blends that will add vibrancy and color your life, inside and out!
Blast through mucus and congestion with the famous lemon ginger green juice blast or try our tasty beet juice recipe.
You can stir in the chlorophyll rich algaes with your juice for a great way to increase the removal heavy metals from the body.  This may include chlorella, blue green algae or marine phytoplankton.

Super Juicing Wild Edible Greens and Sprouts

Don't forget... you can also add wild edible greens, like purslane, miners lettuce or chickweed as well as sprouts to your juicing concoctions.  This is a great way to add some wild nutrition to your diet in addition to spice and flavor.

Juice Fasting Programs and Centers

It is important to always seek the advice of your medical doctor, before deciding to do any kind of cleansing program, especially if you have major health issues.
There are a number of juice fasting centers around the world that can help facilitate your fasting journey, some of which are specifically designed to provide a supportive, nurturing environment for the healing of chronic diseases and serious illness.
These are our top 3 favorites, but there are many others.
1)  Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
Tree of Life offers a variety of different self improvement retreats and green juice fasting programs. Gabriel Cousins, founder of the center, is author of the book "There Is A Cure For Diabetes" and has done extensive research in this field, offering specific programs for reversing diabetes naturally. More here 
2)  True North Health Center
The center provides medical supervised fasting for all conditions and states of health with a trained team of doctors who specialize in water-only fasting.  They offer medical and chiropractic services, psychotherapy and counseling, massage and body work.  They are VERY affordable and committed to making health available to all with great prices and room rates. More here.
3)  Hippocrates Health Institute
The Hippocrates Health Institute has been the preeminent leader in the field of natural and complementary health care and education since 1956.  The Hippocrates Life Change Program is a renowned residential program that runs weekly every Sunday through Saturday throughout the year. The entire  program is three weeks; however one can stay for as little as one week. More here.
“Fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within.”  Paracelsus
Historical Use of Fasting
The "miracle" of fasting has been proven throughout history to be an effective way to promote physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation.
When the great city of Alexandria, Egypt was the educational center of the world, people had to fast for 40 days before they could enter and study with the masters of that time.
Jesus fasted for 40 days, and his disciples also took long fasts.
"All of history’s great spiritual teachers have had great confidence in the power of fasting, not only to improve the physical body, but to promote a keener spiritual understanding of the divine power that is above us and within us. Your mental power increases! Prove it to yourself. See how much sharper and more alert your mind becomes after a fast."  P Bragg
Enjoy a fun, colorful and delicious way to achieve a "natural energy high" that will make you feel Alive, Renewed, Clear and Happy!

Chinese Herbs, Rebuild with the Major Tonic Herbs

Chinese herbs are super tonic roots, barks, leaves, berries and mushrooms that are used to "tone", through their adaptogenic nature, the major systems of the body. They help to encourage resistance to trauma, anxiety and fatigue by allowing the body to naturally regulate itself, normalizing over-activity or under-activity of the organs and glands.
These herbs are not used to treat illness, but rather to build and strengthen our immunity so we are less susceptible to getting sick.  Tonic herbs for that reason should be taken when one is healthy and free of disease.
Chinese herbs are super tonic
Specifically, the 52 major tonic herbs are a branch of Chinese herbalism used to rebuild, renew, and rejuvenate life-force in vital organ systems of the body.  They can be considered "foods" and are designed to be taken over a long period of time, becoming part of one's daily regime and lifestyle.
Traditional Chinese Medicine uses this sophisticated system of herbalism and special class of elite herbs that has been successfully verified and tested over thousands of years as a way to build and maintain supreme levels of health. 
They are known as "longevity herbs" with many historical references in Chinese folklore dating back to 168 BC. 
Chinese tonic herbs have the reputation, when taken on a regular basis, to help extend one's lifespan, in addition to sustaining a higher "quality" of life while living on this earthly plane.
These herbs have been studied and practiced by Chinese Taoists to bring into balance the "Three Treasures":
1) Jing
2) Chi
3) Shen
"They are used to fortify the body-mind, to strengthen the life functions, to encourage natural harmony, to enhance one's adaptability, and as a result of all this, to generate what the Chinese call radiant health." Ron Teeguarden

Selecting Your Tonic Herbs

Out of the total 52 major tonic herbs, there are a select number that are our favorite top super herbs for herbal tea formulations.
These tonics will definitely "take your health to the next level", if you are ready for it.
They are building herbs so, like we mentioned, it is important that the body is clear of major disease or sickness.
"It is a strict rule of Chinese tonic herbalism that the tonic herbs are not to be used when acutely ill, even if the acute illness is just a common cold.  Correct any acute ailments before starting to use the tonics, and suspend their use if and when you catch a cold or other acute illness."  Ron Teeguarden
It is always good to do a juice fast before beginning a tonic herb program. This way you can start fresh with a clean and healthy system that can adequately absorb the deep nourishment these herbs provide.
(See our herbal tea preparation guide for tips on how to extract the most out of your herbs!)
Sometimes the art of blending Chinese herbs can be a little overwhelming, but we recommend you keep it simple. The idea is that you are using the best of the best, the top herbs used by the longevity masters! These herbs, being tonics, are very safe to use on a daily basis.
It is important to use both logic and intuition when selecting your tonics. Some herbs will resonate with you more than others... those are the Chinese herbs to pay special attention to. 
The general rule, however, is that if you have any negative side effects discontinue use, adjust the formula or seek the advise of a qualified herbalist.

 List of Top Chinese Herbs

We already discussed fo-ti (ho sho wu), goji berries and reishi mushroom on our top 10 superfoods list, but here are some of our other favorites to consider.

1) Schizandra Berries

Schizandra berries, or Wu Wei Zi, (Schizandra chinensis) are one of the most popular sexual tonics known in TCM, rejuvenating the kidneys and increasing fluids to the reproductive systems and sex glands.  Drinking the tea for periods of time is said to lubricate the area just under the epidermis layer providing for soft, supple skin.  Schizandra (also spelled schisandra) is a blood purifier that also enhances eyesight and brain function.  It is known to be one of the only Chinese herbs to effectively enter all 12 meridians, which is rare among the major tonics.

2) Astragalus Root

Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) tea, tincture or extracts work on building "Chi" in the body and is revered as one of the most potent energizing tonics available next to ginseng.  The root, also called Huang Chi (Qi), is known for its immune system enhancing attributes, containing important polysaccharides that promote increased immune response and act as a natural stimulant for the activation of white blood cells in the body. 
A rare form of astragalus is found to contain a gene that helps lengthen telomeres. It is available in only concentrated amounts in a longevity supplement called TA 65.

2) Ginseng

Ginseng (Panax ginseng), or also called Ren Shen, is known around the world as the "king of herbs." The root has energy enhancing effects as a natural herbal stimulant and is the #1 Chinese herb known throughout the world for it's restorative and strength building components.  It is often used in combination with astragalus root in prepared herbal extracts.  There are a variety of ginseng roots available, all with slightly different properties. Some are more heating or cooling to the body.  The photo to the left is Korean ginseng root.

4) Asparagus Root

Asparagus root, or Tien Men Tong, (Asparagus lucidus) works with the spleen, kidney and heart meridians.  Viewed as a "Shen tonic" in TCM, it is specifically calming to the heart and has been used as a natural antidepressant because of its uplifting nature.  It is an overall energizer for the lungs as well as kidney yin tonic.  It is particularly nourishing to women, used to increase fertility and sex drive.  Asparagus lucidus is closely related to the Ayurvedic herb, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), and is often used interchangeably.

5) Rhiodiola Root

Rhodiola (Rhodiola Rosea) has been grown in areas of Tibet and Russia for thousands of years and is considered a sacred herb among Asian and Russian peoples.  It can be used to enhance muscular strength, increase mental focus and improve physical endurance.  The root, also called Hong Jing Tian, has been praised, right up there with ginseng, for it's powerful strength building qualities.  It is extremely helpful for cardiovascular and overall heart health.  Rhodiola is a great tonic herb for anyone undergoing intense stress or physical exertion.
"Almost every person who uses the Chinese tonic herbs for any extended period of time will experience benefits. In some cases the benefits may be almost instantaneous and profound, while for others the influence may be subtle at first, with cumulative effects developing over time." Ron Teeguarden

6) Chinese Licorice Root

Chinese licorice root (Glycyrrhizae uralensis) is a deliciously sweet and unctuous tonic that is known as a "harmonizing" or "supporting herb" when used in herbal tea formulations.  This is due to it's effectiveness at enhancing the main properties of other herbs and is therefore a common ingredient in many Chinese patent formulas.  Licorice (Kan Tsao) is also known for its detoxifying effects that help to eliminate toxins from the body.  These cleansing attributes are said to "allow for all energies to flow more smoothly."

7) Red Jujube Dates

Jujube dates (Zizyphus jujube), or also called "red dates", are another great "harmonizing" fruit, similar to licorice root, that ties together other tonics in the recipe.   Jujube's are especially great when used with other yang herbs to neutralize their fiery nature.  They have a sweet flavor and are known to dry up excess mucus, yet moisten tissues if needed.  They are said to "clear the 5 openings" which include the eyes, ears, nose, throat and sinuses.  Also called Ta Tsao, they are specific in Traditional Chinese Medicine for toning and purifying the stomach, the body's center and earth element.

8) Dong Quai

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is a super potent blood tonic for both men and women.  It has been praised as the "woman's ginseng" because of it's reviving effects on the reproductive system, building blood and normalizing the entire blood cell structure.  It is used to promote menstrual stability in women, decrease PMS and is also recommended for those with anemia to revitalize blood balance.  Dong quai (Dang Gui or Tang Kuei) is good for men as well, to help to build muscle by increasing blood flow to the tissues.

9) Codonopsis Root

Codonopsis root, or also called codonopsitis, (Codonopsitis lanceolate) is considered the "poor man's ginseng."  It is more cooling than some varieties of ginseng and can be used as a mild energy tonic.  It moistens and nourishes the tissues and organs where needed, providing greater balance to the major metabolic systems.  Codonopsis (Tang Shen) detoxifies and stimulates the bloodstream, clearing out excess and helping one to achieve a beautiful complexion.  It is also another wonderful tonic root for those who are severely depleted.

10) Fo-ti Root (He Sho Wu)

Fo-ti root (Polygonum multiflorum), or also called Ho (He) Sho Wu, is a famous tonic adaptogen that modulates the hormone system and tonifies the kidneys.  It is #1 “Jing” herb/root, one of the 3 treasures in TCM considered to be the "root of our vitality." It provides deep nourishment, via Jing essence, to the body, especially working through the kidney and liver systems.  It is best to use "prepared" fo-ti root for greater medicinal benefits.

11) Rehmannia

Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa), or also called Ti Huang, is a thick dark root that works specifically as a blood and kidney yin tonic.  Also called, Ti Huang, it is said to strengthen tendons, bones and marrow in addition to supplying tonic effects to the ears and eyes. You can purchase steamed or raw rehmannia root.  We prefer the steamed variety that offers greater value for nourishing "yin" and kidney health.

12) Gynostemma Leaf

Gynostemma, or Jiaogulan, (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) is a popular, highly valued, Asian herb that is a double direction tonic and broad spectrum adaptogen.  The infused leaves or powdered extract helps to bring balance to the central nervous system under a wide range of stressful situations.  The tea can be calming or stimulating depending on the unique circumstances of the individual.  Regular consumption of gynostemma leaf is highly recommended for anyone with depression or anxiety.

Chinese Herbal Teas

The Power of Adaptogens

Adaptogens are herbs that help the body to "adapt" to stress, fatigue, anxiety, and traumas from the external environmental influences or internal imbalance.
All of these top Chinese herbs are adaptogens and, similar to some of the Ayurvedic herbs, they have the ability to nourish depletion and "protect" us against multiple stress factors, whether they are physical, mental or chemical in nature.
These tonics can also be combined with nutritive herbs and cleansing herb infusions to increase nutrient content and cleansing actions.
Most all Chinese herbs are perennials.  That means they come up year after year.   This is, in part, the reason for their strength and adaptogenic attributes. They help us to ground and move from a place of strength, calmness and unwavering confidence!
In the system of Ayurveda there are other super tonics referred to as the "rasayanas", also renowned for their positive influence on overall health and vitality.
For thousands of years East Indian Ayurvedic medicine has also used these adaptogens in herbal preparations to help revitalize and nourish proper balance of the three doshas or body types.  (See Ayurvedic tonics list here.)

Buying Major Tonic Herbs

We purchase all of our tonics from these online suppliers:
Jing Herbs - is a top notch company selling mostly powdered extracts and taylor made formulations for different systems and health issues.  The powders can simply be added to tea, soups or hot water.
Dragon Herbs - Ron Teeguardens's company is the best in the business as far as tonic herb formulas.  They are of a superior quality using heat extracted powders that are convenient and ready to use.
Mountain Rose Herbs - are with out a doubt one of the best sources of dried organic herbs and roots.  They have most of the Chinese tonics in bulk by the ounce/pound.
Four Seasons - a small company that sells very unique varieties of most all whole dried major tonic herbs by the ounce or pound. 
China town markets often have an abundant array of these Chinese herbs.  They are usually super affordable and the quality is still quite good, relatively speaking. 
Here is a translation guide of each herb in Chinese English to help you out. They are not usually called by their "Western" names in these markets, so you would be well advised to take this list with you. This way you know what is what.

Chinese Herbal Tea And Herb Translations:

  • Ginseng - Ren Shen
  • Asparagus Root - Tien Men Tong
  • Schizandra Berry - Wu Wei Zi
  • Dong Quai - Dang Gui, Tang Kuei
  • Licorice Root - Kan Tsao
  • Rhodiola - Hong Jing Tian
  • Astragalus - Huang Chi (Qi)
  • Jujubee Dates - Ta Tsao
  • Codonopsis - Tang Shen
  • Reishi - Ling Zhi
  • Gynostemma - Jiaogulan
  • Astragalus - Huang Qi
  • Lycium fruit (Goji berries) - Gou Qi Zi
  • Coriolus - Yun Zhi
  • Maitake - Lian Hua Gu
  • Cordyceps - Dong Chong Xia Cao
  • Fo-ti - He Shou Wu
  • Rehmannia - Ti Huang

One of the Best Chinese Herbal Tea Books

Chinese Tonic Herbs is one of the first books published here in the West discussing the value of these Chinese herbs. The author, Ron Teeguarden, offers a unique, in depth approach with his years and practice as a leading expert on the subject of Chinese Herbalism. He writes from a great personal understanding of each of the herbs, discussing the 2 main classes of Major Tonics and Minor Tonics.
His descriptions are wonderfully poetic blending both science and his spiritual connections from years of work with these Chinese herbal medicines. He also discusses the basic elements to Traditional Chinese Medicine and focal points involved in choosing and making tonic herb formulations.
First published in the mid 80's, it is still one of the top Chinese Tonic Herbals out there!

Chaga Mushroom Benefits as an Immune Enhancing Superfood

Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus), often referred to as the "king of medicinal mushrooms", looks like a dark black woody mass rather than a mushroom and, in fact, you probably wouldn't even recognize it as a mycelium species when walking through the forest.

However, this unusual looking variety is one of the most powerful adaptogens and superfoods on the planet, exhibiting immune supporting complex polysaccharides that are considerably more potent than most any other medicinal mushroom.
In addition to sterols, polyphenols and polysaccharides, the mushroom also contains a host of other superhealthy antioxidant constituents including melanin and superoxide dismutase as well as triterpenes, like betulin, inotodiol and lupeol.

Furthermore, it is also gaining recognition around the world for its ability to help inhibit tumor growth via certain anti-mutagenic compounds like betulinic acid which it concentrates in high amounts from birch bark.

What is Chaga and Where Does It Grow?

The Inonotus obliquus species is classified as a "white-rot fungus", like other medicinal mushrooms such as maitake, coriolus and reishi.  This means that it feeds off of the lignins in the tree host but does not necessarily damage the primary cellulose or integral composition of the tree. 
There are debatable theories, however, about its natural life cycle and whether it is protecting the health of the tree as a endophytic mushroom or whether it will eventually act as a parasite over a period of time and hinder the host's growth.  
"Some wood conks once seen as parasites on trees may in fact be symbiotic endophytes." Mycelium Running by Paul Stamets
The tree of choice for Inonotus obliquus is the white and yellow birch tree, although it may also grow on other hardwoods like alder, elm and beech trees.  The mushroom used exclusively for medicinal use, usually comes from the birch tree only.  Higher quality mushroom harvests are usually wildcrafted from birch tree forests growing in Eastern Europe and Northern Russia, especially Siberia.

It is a polypore mushroom (with pores instead of gills) that grows in cold, Northern climates and produces a thick black mass on the side of tree trunks, often referred to as a "conk."  They usually grow up to 10cm thick and 1.5 meters in length or much longer depending on the age.  While the exterior of the mushroom looks like burnt black charcoal, when split open it has a deep clay orange cork-like center.  The mushroom has actually been used as a long burning firewood source as well as a clothing dye in many parts of the world.

History of Use

This black tree fungus has long been respected in Northern Europe, Canada, China, Finland and Russia for its immune boosting qualities.  Chaga mushroom tea has played a significant role in Russian herbalism and Siberian folk medicine for hundreds, if not thousands of years, particularly for its ability to help humans adapt to cold harsh climates.
Acknowledged by the Chinese Monk Shen Nong in the book "The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" written in 100 B.C., it was described as "the king of herbs" and "a precious gift of nature."
In Traditional Chinese Medicine it was used as a special mushroom for balancing "Chi", preserving youth and maintaining a strong immune response.  Today it is also considered a Chi, kidney and Shen tonic in Asian culture.

The fungi became popular here in the West in 1968 when the Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn published the book, "The Cancer Ward",  in which he speaks about "the tea from the birch tree mushroom", its healing components and potential benefits to cancer patients.

Chaga Mushroom Health Benefits

High in Antioxidants - Betulinic Acid and Beta Glucans

There is an exceptional amount of immune boosting antioxidants found in Inonotus obliquus such as beta glucans and betulinic acid, in addition to various other triterpenes and sterols as well as melanin and superoxide dismutase (SOD).

High in Betulinic Acid - An Antitumor Compound

The mushroom draws upon and concentrates nutrients out of the birch tree lignins and bark, converting them into a form that is easily digested by humans.  One of these nutrients is a triterpene called betulin, which it absorbs specifically from the bark and further converts to betulinic acid.  This is one of  the active compounds and tumor inhibiting components that is inherent to the chaga mushroom species.

Along with coriolus (turkey tail mushroom) and cordyceps, it is viewed by many mycologists and health experts as one of the strongest antitumor mushrooms available.
Betulinic acid induces apoptosis (PCD) through its direct effects on the mitochondria and once inside the cancer cells is believed to influence cell death within the tumor itself.  Other research coming from Poland suggests that the betulinic acid is also activated by and drawn to the lower pH of the tumorous tissues.
According to Christopher Hobbs, extracts of chaga were approved as an anticancer drug, called Befungin, in Russia as early as 1955 and has been reported successful in treating breast, lung, cervical and stomach cancers (Hobbs 1995).
Mushroom mycologist Paul Stamets writes that the betulin concentrations in Inonotus obliquus have shown promise in treating malignant melanoma, completely inhibiting tumors implanted in mice, causing apoptosis of cancerous cells.  The extracts are also beneficial as an antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  In addition, they are a known immune enhancer as well as a liver tonic (Stamets 2005).
In a 2011 study published in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms is was noted that, "Chaga fraction elicited anticancer effects which were attributed to decreased tumor cell proliferation, motility and induced morphological changes." (Source)

Contains Beta Glucan Polysaccharides

In addition to a full spectrum of phytonutrients, chaga mushroom also contains 29 long-chain polysaccharides, protein-bound xylogalactoglucans and beta glucan derivatives.

The beta glucans in chaga, especially 1-3 ß-glucans, help to activate our immune cells or macrophage defense systems, working on both the surface immune system as well as stimulating stem cells deep within the bone marrow reserve.  This further "supercharges" and activates various other immune cells such as natural killer cells (NK cells) and T cells.

Studies on Other Beneficial Sterols and Triterpenes

The triterpenoid element found in the mushroom called inotodiol, which is derived from lanostane compounds, show promising effects as anticancer agents in a study conducted in 2010.  "The results suggest that I. obliquus and its compounds in these subfractions isolated from I. obliquus could be used as natural anticancer ingredients in the food and/or pharmaceutical industry." 

In a 2013 study entitled "Anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of extracts and compounds from the mushroom Inonotus obliquus", it states that "Compound ergosterol, ergosterol peroxide and trametenolic acid showed anti-inflammatory activities and obvious cytotoxicity on human prostatic carcinoma cell PC3 and breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231 cell.  The results obtained in this work might contribute to understanding the biological activity of mushroom I. obliquus for food and drug application." (Source)

Helpful Adjunct to Chemotherapy Treatments

Some medicinal mushrooms, like reishi and chaga, can be particularly supportive adjuncts to chemo and radiation therapies.  Chaga's triterpene lupeol and the sterol trametenolic acid not only display antiviral and antitumor activity but also chemoprotective qualities that may be helpful when undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

Additionally, betulin in chaga is known to help detoxify the liver and protect against the potentially damaging effects of radiation or chemo chemicals.  Also, the high amount of antioxidants, including melanin (which binds to radioactive isotopes), are particularly helpful for rejuvenating healthy immune responses.

Melanin and Beta Glucans - Great for the Skin

Melanin is a phenolic pigment and potent antioxidant found in the surface layer of the mushroom and is the chief ingredient responsible for its distinctive coloration.  Chaga is one of the highest sources of melanin known in any food or herb.  It has been demonstrated that chaga's melanin has a strong genoprotective (DNA/gene protective) effect on the body.
This is the same compound that makes up the main pigment in human skin, the retina of the eye and the pigment-bearing neurons within the brain stem.

According to David Wolfe, "Having a nutritional source of melanin such as chaga lightens the body's load of nutrient-demanding processes involved in melanogenesis (formation of melanin)."  Melanin supplementation via chaga consumption can enhance, beautify and protect the skin from sun damage and is additionally beneficial for the eyes and hair.

The melanin found in the mushroom may help those with white blotches that sometimes appear on the skin as we age.  This may indicate a disrupted melanin distribution possibly caused by factors such as stress, viral issues, genetics and/or nutritional deficiencies.

Moreover, consuming beta glucan-rich polysaccharides are known to help nourish, hydrate and heal the skin tissue.

SOD (Superoxide Dismutase)

Superoxide dismutase, also called SOD, is a natural antioxidant enzyme produced within the body that plays a significant role as a free radical scavenger.  It acts as a "bodyguard" that essentially protects against DNA damage and helps to reduce the work load placed on the immune system.
Certain superfoods, like fo-ti root, increase SOD levels when consumed and chaga is one of the highest sources of this nutrient, offered in an easily utilized bio-available form.
In a lab test sponsored by Dove Health Alliance the following mass-based comparison of SOD showed the following results:
Reishi - 1,400 units/gram
Agaricus - 1,500 units/gram
Chaga - 35, 000 units/gram
Chaga, like several other important tonic herbs, is a rich source of the trace mineral zinc. "Zinc is a critically important constituent of SOD, our most important innate antioxidant."  Ron Teeguarden

Immune System Adaptogen

It is always best to keep the immune system strong, so it can function optimally. We are all bombarded with immune stress in our daily lives from environmental pollution and toxins that effect our health in ways we may not realize.

Chaga is an immune modulator and "double-directional" adaptogen that powerfully balances immune response and helps the body maintain optimal homeostasis.

It is on our top superfoods list as the #1 super mushroom for autoimmune disorders, a seemingly common health issue in our modern times.

Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory

Many of chaga's unique complexes such as betulinic acid, lupeol, trametenolic acid, inotodiol, ergosterol and others act directly to reduce inflammation in the body.  Decreasing chronic inflammation helps reduce risk of heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis as well as degenerative diseases.  The mushroom extracts have also proven helpful for gastrointestinal disorders and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). (Study)

Additional Vitamins and Minerals

  • vitamin B2
  • vitamin D2
  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • sulfur
  • potassium
  • rubidium and cesium
  • silicon
  • germanium
  • manganese
  • selenium
  • zinc
  • antimony
  • barium
  • bismuth
  • boron
  • chromium
  • copper

How to Use

Fresh Mushroom

Fresh chaga can be used and decocted straight off the tree, but it is often dried first to remove any moisture content.  It can be grated or broken into smaller pieces and/or powdered in a high speed blender. 
It is generally believed that the older the mushroom the more medicinal it is when we consume as prepared liquids and extracts.  When harvesting fresh "conks" the larger the fungi, the older mushroom.

Raw Pieces or Powder

If you don't happen to live by a wild chaga forest, some herb companies sell pure dried bulk chaga pieces or powder that can be further decocted or tinctured to release their beneficial components. 

Chaga Tea and Tinctures

Most all of chaga's antioxidants and polysaccharides are only extractable in hot water and alcohol solutions.
Bulk chaga pieces can be brewed for many hours in water as a dark rich mushroom tea.  Additionally, the chunks can also be tinctured in vodka for a few weeks.
Another chaga tea making method is to simply add the powdered extracts to hot water.  The extract powder turns the water a dark brown color that looks similar to a cup of coffee.  In fact, because of its slightly bitter nature it is often used as a alternative coffee substitute.

Mushroom Extracts

Another medicinally effective way to use this mushroom is to consume high quality hot water extracts.  Mushroom Science is an excellent brand that offers a tested potent extraction of chaga, by far one of the best on the market. 
Dragon herbs also has a superior grade of Wild Siberian Chaga that is harvested in the pristine black birch forests in the Kama River Basin of arctic Siberia.
These extracts usually come in capsule form that can be taken whole or opened and blended with shakes or herbal teas.
The dried mushroom or extract is especially great to use with other adaptogens like any of the Chinese tonics and/or Ayurvedic herbs

 Chaga Cappuccino Recipe

We consider this recipe to be the new evolved version of coffee and definitely the thing for any of you coffee drinkers who want to move things up a notch "superhealth wise."
Packed with adaptogens, this recipe is one our favorites because it has that coffee like flavor so many people enjoy, but without the eventual adrenal burn out that leaves you feeling depleted. 
In other words this "java" does not superficially stimulate the body, instead it works to increase "real" energy by building "chi", strengthening the internal systems and nourishing life-force.
This recipe uses some unique and new products that make it easier to get that "coffee flavor" you may be missing. (See the banner links in the left hand column of this page for more info.)
 Herbal Tea Base:
  • 1/8C reishi mushroom pieces
  • 2T ground astragalus root
  • 2T pao de 'arco bark
  • 1T fo-ti root
  • 1/2 long pepper
  • 1T goji berries or jujubee dates
Decoct (simmer) the above in a little more than one quart of water for 20-30 minutes. 
Blend the quart of strained herbal tea with:
  • 12 chaga caps (the powder)
  • 1t shilajit
  • 2T MacaPro Xpresso (a slow roasted maca root product)
  • dropper of English Toffee Stevia
  • 1t cacao butter
  • 1 dropper Coffee Flavored Extract (a non-caffeinated raw coffee extract)
  • 1-2 cacao beans
Add nut milk cream if you prefer.  Serves two or more.