Saturday, 25 July 2015


Living a healthy lifestyle involves making many choices. Choosing a balanced diet is one of those choices. A healthy eating consists of the following:
  • A variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat or fat-free dairy.
  • It Includes eating lean meats (as far as red meats) , fish, chicken, eggs, beans and nuts
  • A diet that’s low in saturated fats and trans fats. Best to stay away from Cholesterol and salt (sodium) rich foods
People always think that getting into the Healthy eating habit that they have to follow a strict nutrition so that they can stay idealistically thin and that they should deprive themselves from the food that they love. They need to realize that Healthy eating is more about how you feel about yourself, getting more energy, neutralizing you mood and eating habits. It is about living your life as healthy as possible. This can be done easily by getting familiar with the nutrition facts of the food you eat, reading the labels on the foods you buy, staying away from processed foods. You can educate yourself about making healthy food choices so that you can make tasty meals and make the diet fun and not a burden. You don’t have to feel like you are missing out!
Here are some healthy eating tips that you should consider:
1.      Always think success!
healthyeating2For this change to be a successful one you have to have a plan. It is always best to take smaller steps instead of one big one. You have to gradually make changes to you diet. What this means is don’t stop eating everything you love all at once. Cut back on portions. Start by stopping fried food. Swap your soda with sparkling water and so on.
Don’t make it stressful. Make it simple and fun. Instead of worrying about how many calories you are eating and measuring your portions with every single thing you eat, just think of it as being fun! Think of all the different colors of fruits and vegetables out there and the benefits they have for your body. Think about how much better it is for you to eat a fresh vegetable rather than a vegetable off a can. This makes your healthy choices so much easier. After some time your healthy lifestyle will not only be a fun one but a delicious one.
Always start slow. Make the change over a period of time and not overnight. That seems to be the biggest mistake most do and thus leads to failure and binge eating. It’s just unrealistic to make a big change overnight. This will lead to a lot of cheats because you will miss eating everything you are used to eating for such a long time. Think about this. Do you get a degree over night? Precisely! You are probably saying well how? Add more salads and vegetables to your diet. What salad dressings do you use? Start making your own dressings.  Love butter? Substitute that with olive oil. These little changes will eventually become a habit and not a diet.
Remember that everything takes time. Every diet change you make will make a difference long term. Nothing needs to be perfect so stop thinking that you have to be perfect. You don’t have to stop eating everything that you love. The aim here is what do I do to make me feel good about myself and prevent diseases. Every little bit of change in our eating habits counts.
When you make this change it is very important to remember to include water and exercise into this new lifestyle you are starting.
Water is very essential in ridding your body of toxins. So many of us seem to forget about drinking water or we may just not like it but its one of the biggest mistakes out there. Staying hydrated. Dehydration can cause is overwhelming fatigue.
Just know one thing. If you ever feel like you are thirsty it means that your body is already dehydrated. Sometimes when you are dehydrated you may mistake it for hunger and thus eat when you really don’t need food. So remember another key to success is hydration.
When we say include exercise we don’t mean drop everything and do hardcore heavy lifting at the gym. Think on an activity that you love and just fit it in your daily habits. This will help you lose weight while doing something you love and enjoy.
2.      Moderation
Healthyeating--moderationIn order to have a successful diet you have to think moderation. What do we mean by moderation? What is considered a good amount? It comes down to the individual and their eating habits. The goal for this healthy lifestyle to be successful you need to improve your eating habits so that you will be able to maintain it for the rest of your life and not give up after a few weeks. The misconception that some have is that once they reach their ideal weight they stop eating healthy thinking it’s enough no need to continue. But over time that weight loss will be easily gained back before you know it.
Moderation does not mean you have to eat a whole lot less than what they are accustomed to. It really means try to eat less unhealthy food. So instead of eat food that are high is sugars and saturated fats try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Moderation and healthy eating does not mean you eliminate all the food you love. For example, say you feel like having a 100 calorie ice cream one afternoon of the week. Sure go right ahead. But for the rest of the day try to make up for it be eating less calories and eating more vegetables.
It is quite normal for our body to crave the food that you are used to giving it. Try not to stop the food you love all at once and instead eat it less often or in smaller amounts until you get your body adjusted to the change.
3.      Choose colorful fruits and vegetables
healthyeating-fruits and vegisFruits and vegetables are the pillars of a healthy diet. They are mostly low in calories and very nutritious. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.
Eat different colors of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Different colors provide different benefits, so eat a variety. Aim for a minimum of five portions each day.
Get your vitamins from your fruits and vegetables and not from pills. The antioxidants and other nutrients in fruits and vegetables help protect against certain types of cancer and other diseases. Sure supplements help if you cant have a certain food. But it’s just not the same as when they are consumed naturally.
4.      Eat healthy carbs and whole grains
healthycarbs and grainsChoose healthy carbohydrates and consume more fiber in order to maintain long lasting energy. Whole grains and very filling and they are packed with antioxidants that help protect against diseases such as coronary heart diseases, certain cancers and diabetes.
What you need to know about healthy carbs and unhealthy carbs:
Healthy carbs (usually known as good carbs) include whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Healthy complex carbs are digested slowly and make you feel full for a longer period of time. This then stabilizes your insulin level.
Unhealthy carbs (or bad carbs) are foods such as white flour, refined sugar, and white rice. Unhealthy carbs are digested quickly and causes an increase in blood sugar levels.
How to choose healthy carbs?
Add different types of whole grains into your healthy diet. These may include whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa and barley.
Check your food labels and make sure you are really getting whole grains. A label that says multi grain and 100% wheat is not the same thing. Look for the words “whole grain or 100% whole wheat”
Make sure you avoid refined foods such as breads, pastas, and breakfast cereals that are not whole grain.
5.     Unhealthy vs Healthy fats
Often time people worry about the word “fat”. What you need to know is that our body needs healthy fats. Healthy fats are needed to nourish our brains, hearts, hair, skin and nails. Foods that are rich in omega-3 are very essential and they help reduce cardiovascular disease.
Healthy fats to incorporate into your diet:
  • Monounsaturated fats:   These can be peanut oil, and olive oil, as well as avocados, nuts (like almonds, walnuts, and pecans). They can also be found in seeds such as pumpkin seeds
  • Polyunsaturated fats: theseare usually omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Usually found in foods such as salmon, sardines and other fishes. Polyunsaturated fats can also be found in walnuts, soybean and flaxseed oil.
What you should Reduce or eliminate from your diet:
Saturated fats:   Typically found in mostly animal sources including red meat and whole milk dairy products.
Trans fats:  These are usually found in vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, and baked treats.
6. The significance of protein
healthyeating-proteinProtein plays an important role in our body. Protein in food is broken down into the 20 amino acids that are the building blocks for growth and energy, and is essential for maintaining cells, tissues, and organs. The removal of protein from our diet can slow growth and reduces muscle mass. Protein is especially important for children, whose bodies are growing and changing daily.
Some rules on including protein in your healthy diet:
Try different types of protein. Don’t just concentrate on one type of protein, try different sources of protein—such as beans, grains, seeds, tofu, peas and soy products—will give you a variety of options for meals.
Consume smaller portions of protein. Some people consume a lot of protein. Try to include other nutrients other and focusing only on protein.  Sure eat some proteins but also include whole grains and vegetables.
Consume quality sources of protein: like fresh fish, chicken or turkey, tofu, eggs, beans, or nuts. When you are having meat, chicken, or turkey, buy meat that is free of hormones and antibiotics.
7. Limit sugar and salt
Once you are successful in maintaining a diet that includes fiber-rich foods, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and good fats, you will automatically be cutting down sugars and salt from your diet.
healthyeating-sugarSugars are found everywhere. Not just in candy, cakes or desserts. Added sugars can be hidden in soups, breads, pasta sauce, fast food, frozen dinners, ketchup, etc.
Avoid sugary drink:  Sodas have a lot of sugar in them which can even exceed our daily recommended intake value! A good substitute would be sparkling water or just plain water.
Sweeten foods yourself:    try to get everything you buy unsweetened and you add your own sweetener. An example would be yogurt or oatmeal. Add your own sweetener like fresh fruits and honey.
Eat naturally sweet food:    Have a terrible sweet tooth? Try to satisfy it with fresh fruits or natural peanut butter. Make an ice cream from frozen fresh fruits. Yes it is quite possible.
How to find sugars in food labels?
healthyeating-sugarsOften time manufactures try to avoid the amount of sugars used in their products and thus they will always use a word instead of sugar. These are a few things you need to look for in labels to avoid unnecessary sugar intake:
▪   crystallized cane juice▪   fruit juice concentrates▪   maltodextrin▪   Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Maltose, or Sucrose▪   Brown rice syrup▪   Honey or molasses
healthyeating-saltThe average individual consumes too much salt in their diet and thus leads to high blood pressure and health problems. It is advised to limit sodium intake to 1,500 to 2,300 mg per day, which is the equivalent of one teaspoon of salt.
  • Avoid processed or pre-packaged foods. Processed foods like canned
Soup or frozen dinners contain hidden sodium that quickly surpasses the recommended limit.
  • Be careful when eating out. Most restaurant and fast food meals are loaded
with sodium.
  • Always go with fresh or frozen vegetables instead of canned vegetables.
  • Cut back on salty snacks such as potato chips, nuts, and pretzels.
  • Check labels and use reduced-sodium products.

The Truth About Kale

Within the past few years, kale has rapidly become a well-loved super food. In fact, 2013 saw the first ever National Kale Day that was marked by kale-based cocktails and talks about the benefits of the leafy green. Once a pretty unknown veggie, kale has quickly found its way in just about every health food on the market and is often the first thing people reach for when juicing.
But does kale live up to the hype? Is it really that great for you? What should you know before stockpiling this super food?
The Many Benefits
On the upside, kale really is the nutritional powerhouse that people normally promote. One little cup of kale is packed full of 9% of your daily intake of calcium, 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, and a staggering 684% of vitamin K.
Of course, there's also the matter of minerals. The leafs contain huge amounts of copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus all of which support a wide variety of biological systems. Among other things, your immune and nervous systems could all get a boost from a healthy dose of kale.
Kale is also a rich source of antioxidants and other plant chemicals that offer an impressive range of benefits. The compounds found in kale have been shown to improve eye health and brain function, while fighting heart disease and cancer.
Like all leafy greens, kale contains massive amounts of dietary fiber, as well. Although it does not offer any fuel in the form of calories, the fiber that makes up the leaves can improve digestion while lowering cholesterol and increasing cardiovascular health.
Clearly, kale has tons of things going for it. But, like everything else, kale is no magic-pill. Despite what proponents might have you believe, kale is not a cure-all.

Some Things To Consider

Kale is a prime example of how you can often have too much of a good thing when if comes to your health and diet.
For starters, the incredible amount of vitamin K found in kale could prove to be of fairly great concern for some people. While it is normally a very beneficial nutrient, vitamin K promotes clotting and can interfere with certain medications like warfarin thus rendering the drug less active and less effective.
One of those plant chemicals that kale offers, called oxalates, could also cause issues in high doses. Besides limiting your body's ability to absorb the vital calcium, these substances have been shown to increase your risk of kidney and gallstones by way of oxalate accumulation. Other compounds in raw kale could also cause complications if you have preexisting thyroid issues, too. Before tossing kale into everything you eat, you should talk to your doctor if you have struggled with thyroid conditions in the past.
You can get too much fiber, as well. While it can help your digest, too much fiber can cause gas, bloating and other digestive problems. This is especially true with raw kale.
Finding The Balance
Obviously, most of the causes for concern when it comes to kale are only an issue if you chose to enjoy it raw. For this reason, many health experts recommend only eating raw kale twice a week, at most. There is a cap on how much cooked kale you can eat.
Here's the problem, though: Cooking kale tends to destroy many of the things that make it so beneficial. To get around this, try cooking the leaves in broth or water. Afterward, include that liquid in your meal. Not only will it be delicious but also most of the nutrients that were removed from the leaves during cooking will not be infused in the fluid.
Clearly, then, kale is good for you. But, just like everything else, it is not the answer to all your problems and a balanced view is needed. If you do decide to chow down on the green stuff, limit your consumption of raw leaves and find ways to include it in to your meals.

Enjoy Your Weight Loss Diet

The word “diet” is generally associated with some pretty unpleasant thoughts in the minds of most people. Usually, when people think of dieting, the concept is inseparably linked with deprivation. People assume that to follow a diet that will help them lose weight, they have to eat foods that are bland, boring or just plain gross. And they have to skip all of their favorite foods.
Fortunately, this just is not true. In fact, trying to force yourself to follow a diet that is overly strict can be counterproductive. Why is this the case? And how can you enjoy your weight loss diet?

Going Overboard

A simple fact of human nature has a major bearing on the effectiveness of many popular diets: People do not do things that they do not enjoy. If you hate your diet because it forces you to eat foods that you dislike and abandon all of your favorites, you are not going to adhere to your diet for any length of time.
You may follow a diet for a few weeks or even months, but eventually you are going to slip. In fact, statistics have shown that 90 percent of people who start a diet will stop within the first 6 months. And experience has shown health and fitness experts just how dangerous this rebound period can be. Very often, people not only gain back whatever weight they managed to lose with their highly-restrictive diet. Even worse, dieters tend to binge on all the foods that they have been missing for all that time. This means that they not only regain the weight lost during the dieting phase, but they may even end up with a few pounds more than what they started with.
There's also the risk of malnutrition inherent in many fad diets. To operate properly, your body needs macronutrients from fats, protein and carbohydrates as well as micronutrients from a mixture of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients come from a wide variety of foods. Any diet that forces you to survive on nothing but grapefruit, for example, for several days in a row is severely nutritionally imbalanced and will compromise your health. Neglecting any one of these essential micro or macro nutrients is simply not the way to lose weight.
To be clear, though, these extreme diets will work. You will lose weight but not healthy weight. The weight will usually be lost from fluid volume, muscle and minimally from fat. Additionally, you will probably lose it very quickly. But, as mentioned above, you are at a high risk of gaining it all back. There is also the chance that you can damage your body through this type of malnutrition and fad dieting.

A Better Way

The key to healthy weight loss is sustainability. You need to find a way of eating that you can keep up for years to come. Happily, this means that you have to be able to enjoy it.
When it comes to your favorite, albeit unhealthy, foods portion control is a very powerful tool. But, many people find it difficult to exercise self-discipline in this respect. Smaller plate sizes have been shown to be effective in helping people stick to limited portions. But you will also have to make a pact with yourself to not go back for seconds or thirds.
Studies have also shown that people who have a ritual attached to their meals tend to feel more satisfied and even enjoy the taste of the food more. This could be something as simple as unwrapping a piece of candy or twisting an Oreo to separate the two halves. Cooking your own food also counts as a ritual and can build anticipation and appreciation for the finished product. Preparing meals for yourself has the added benefit of giving you full control over what you eat.
Clearly, then, denying yourself food that you love is not the way to lose weight. You also do not have to force yourself to eat food that you hate. While there may have to be some adjustments made to your diet, there are some simple changes you can make that will make the diet process easier.

How To Conquer Food Addiction

Food addiction is a growing problem in America, and it has made a huge contribution to the obesity rates in this country. If you already exemplify some signs of food addiction, now is the time to refocus your goals and take control of your life. Today we are going at how to conquer addiction so you have a path to follow moving forward.

1 – Know If You Are A Food Addict

Earlier this week, we looked at signs of food addiction that you need to watch out for, like eating when you are not hungry or feeling depressed after you eat. Any symptoms you may associate with drug or alcohol addiction can be apparent in food addiction, even if food is not designed to be addictive like hard substances. If you feel out of control when you eat throughout the day, you have a problem that needs to be solved. Keep reading!

2 – Understand Why You Developed An Addiction

Food addictions usually don't just crop up over night. They are the result of using food as a coping mechanism, perhaps to replace a feeling that you may be missing in life. For example, if you lost a loved one and started gaining weight shortly after that, chances are you used food to compensate for the loss. Once you can identify the source of your addiction, you can work on improving the underlying problem and ultimatelygetting healthy once again.

3 – Avoid Processed Foods

A recent study from the University of Michigan showed that processed foods are just as addictive as hard drugs. Pizza, burgers, fries, and almost anything you can get from a fast food restaurant is highly addictive. Healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, do not send the same addictive signals to the brain that processed foods send. You can control your food intake easier when you have the right foods in your diet.

4 – Start A New Hobby

Sometimes all you need is something new to focus your energy o to get away from bad eating habits. Try a new hobby that you have always wanted to get into, like gardening, jogging. Or photography. If your hobby involves you being more active throughout the day, that's even better. You'll be able to use that activity to lose weight and start feeling better about yourself. If you can build up your self-esteem, you may not feel as enslaved by your food.

5 – Consciously Control Your Eating

This is the most important step of all: you must identify when you are eating excessively and make a conscious effort to cut back. In other words, "just say no." You don't have to stop eating entirely, but you should manage your food intake. Eat only enough to get full, and try not to eat a lot of food in one setting. If you need to curb your cravings throughout the day, keep some health snacks around that you can grab on the go. Once this becomes part of your routine, you won't have to worry as much about food addiction.
Don't wait any longer to get your body and your life back in shape. A better life is waiting for you right now.

The Secret To Staying Hydrated In The Summer Heat

With the summer heat hanging over your head, it is important to keep your body cooled and hydrated. This may require you to drink more water than you are used to, just so you can have the energy you need to get through the day. Listed below are some helpful tips for staying hydrated in the summer heat so you can keep your body functioning the way it is supposed to.

Why You Need Extra Hydration In The Summer

The hot temperatures in the summer cause your body to perspire (sweat) more. This perspiration causes you to use up more water at a faster rate. If you swim, bike, play tennis, or participate in other activities during these sunny months, your body will once again use up more water than normal. That is why it is important to get extra hydration in the summer, so you don't get weak and dehydrated.

How To Stay Hydrated In The Heat

Here are some important tips to help you stay hydrated in summer:
  • Put yourself on a water drinking schedule. You may drink a glass an hour, a bottle with each meal, a glass in between each meal…whatever the case may be. The goal here is to get you in the habit of drinking water throughout the day so it becomes part of your routine.
  • Take sips all day long. If you cannot chug a full bottle of water in one setting, try taking small sips of water all day long. Every 10 minutes or so, take a sip of water. This will not seem like much at first, but you will be amazed by the water you get through over time.
  • Add flavor to your water. You can add some fresh fruit or a pre-made drink mix to your water, if you don't like the taste of basic H2O. You can also play around with different filters and different brands of water to see what you are most willing to drink.
  • Drink more after you work out. If you go on a bike ride or take a trip to the gym, make sure you drink a lot of water after you are finished. You may not want to drink too much while you are working out to avoid feeling like you have a heavy gut, but you should get hydrated before and after.
If you can follow the tips above during the summer, you will be able to keep your body regulated and avoid the serious health risks that come with dehydration.

5 Fast Summer Fitness Tips

Summer is here, and that can only mean one thing – swimsuit season! For many of us, this is the dreaded time of year when we shed our concealing winter clothes and face the grim reality of what our bodies have turned into over the last few months. Rather than avoiding the pool this summer, why not use this as a chance to get back in shape and show off your amazing figure? Here are 5 fast summer fitness tips guaranteed to get your body looking its best.

1 – Focus On Your Biggest Insecurities

What parts of your body do you worry about the most? Your belly, your arms, your legs…? There has to be something that bothers you more than others. Focus on that part of your body when you begin yoursummer workouts so you can feel confident hopping into the pool. There are exercise solutions for every unique situation.

 Use Cardio Workouts To Lose Weight Allover

Cardio workouts, like running and walking, are great for overall weight loss. You can work these in with otherno equipment fitness routines so you can get your body in shape without going to the gym. Park in the back of the parking lot when you go to a store, and make an excuse to walk or jog whenever possible. Every minute counts when you're trying to get in shape.

3 – Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking water will help you lose weight because it keeps food moving smoothly through your body. Drinking water will also help you avoid dehydration as the temperatures start to rise, which will be crucial in your health as a whole. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink 13 (8 oz.) cups of water a day, while women drink about 9 cups.

 Avoid Ice Cream!

Ice cream shops get incredibly busy in the summer because their frozen treats are great solutions for cooling off in the heat. No matter how tasty that banana split may look though, you have to realize that it is riddled with calories. Even a tiny shake can be hundreds of calories, and it's not going to fill you up before a meal. Opt for frozen yogurt or smoothies as an alternative so your cravings don't get the best of you.

5 – Start Right Now

The sooner you start working out and eating healthy, the better you'll look by the time you hit the beach. Don't put off your plans until tomorrow. It's time to rethink your body right now.
Follow these fast summer fitness tips, and you'll be on your way to a great figure in no time!